Our Temporary shop is coming back next autumn

On January 31st our Temporary Shop will close.

Over the past few months we have been very busy and the opening of our Via Manzoni 19 Temporary Shop surely represented a demanding activity which made us proud and full of satisfactions.

So many of you visited us and we want to thank you for this: new and old friends, simple visitors who were curious to discover our products.  We are happy we were able to showcase our collection and satisfy your needs.

Vorrei dedicare un particolare messaggio di ringraziamento a voi clienti stranieri, ringraziandovi per la visita e ricordandovi che dove non sempre abbiamo un rivenditore disponiamo un rapido ed efficiente servizio di vendita on line! E se non trovate quello che state cercando nello shop potete sempre richiederlo via email scrivendo a info@restelliguanti.it

I would like to dedicate a special part of this message to our foreign customers; I want to thank you for visiting and I would like to remind you that if you are in an area far from our authorized dealers we can help you with a quick and efficient online sale service! And if what you are looking for is not featured on our shop you can ask for it by emailing us at info@restelliguanti.it

We will help you out with your queries! We are happy you had a chance to discover our product and take an example of Milanese excellence to your home.

We want to say goodbye with a promise: we shall return next autumn with many surprises to start 2020 with a spark: it will be the year that marks our 100th birthday. We cannot anticipate much yet, but we primes we shall return to you with great style. Meanwhile we surely are not going to stop and rest. We are packing up our collections for a new adventure: in February we will go to Russia to showcase our collections at CPM Moscow . Russian winter days will be the perfect framework to introduce our new collections.    

See you soon!

Raffaella Restelli