Spring has sprung and winter is eventually over. There are places in Europe where the cold season lasts much longer than it does in Italy and Serbia is definitely one of them.
It is from Serbia that images were sent to us by our beloved friend Marko Tadić whom we had already met few months ago here. This time we have a chance to meet him in Belgrade, the capital city of a nation that is not too far from our eastern borders.
We are happy to reprise Marko’s blog post where he told his readers how the purchase of a pair of gloves coincided with a big change in his life: his move to Berlin.
Few days ago while he was in a shooting featuring our gloves on a very cold day he found out that he had been asked to move to an exotic country for professional reasons. Ok, this time it is going to be just for a couple of months, but we are sure you can imagine how happy he was to learn he was about to live a brand new life experience.
Are there any stories having to do with your gloves that positively influenced your life and you would like to share with us? Write us to info@restelliguanti.it; upon your consent we shall be happy to publish them.
Have a great trip, Marko!
Marko Tadić wears MooRER, Paul & Shark, Etro and other brands.